Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My pregnancy story, Part 2.

Welcome back for part 2 of my pregnancy story! I will begin where we left off in part 1, Kitt being in trouble with the law.
So sometime in the spring of 2010, Kitt and a bunch of his friends went out late at night and went into an abandoned house for fun, and then later decided it would be cool to mess around with cars of people they hated. He never told me about any of this until the cops showed up at his house one morning and took him and his brother into handcuffs and brought them down to the police station for questioning. When he got home he confessed to me about being with them but said that he only went into the building, he didn't vandalize anything he was just with everyone else while they were doing it causing him to be guilty by association. While all of this was going on I had turned 16 and I was now living in Washington DC, I was around 5 months pregnant and knew I was having a boy! Many months passed and in October 2010 Kitt went to court and since he was 17 when he committed the crimes, (he turned 18 in august, shortly after being charged) he was able to be charged as a minor and only got 2 weeks in juvenile hall! While he was in juvie we were not allowed to have any communication besides writing letters after the first week. Being so far along in my pregnancy I was extremely emotional about everything and was so upset that he wasn't able to experience any of it with me. He was missing out on Dr. appointments, ultrasounds, hearing our little babies heartbeat, feeling him kick and seeing him move, and everything else that happens and it was so hard to go through it without him. Being so young and having this huge belly, going anywhere I got nasty looks and it made it even worse that I was going to these appointments by myself. I always just felt so alone and knew that I was being judged everywhere I went, especially in the waiting room of the doctors office. In the middle of November 2010 Kitt got released out of juvie and came to live with my family and I in Washington DC in December, Merry Christmas to me! Shortly after he moved down there he got a job at a local movie theater and we were able to start buying clothes and other things we needed for our baby and it all started becoming so real. We started talking about baby names and decided on the name Ashton. As soon as we put it on the internet the same people that had sent me hate in the beginning, started sending it again making fun of the name and calling him 'Asston'. Kitt was dead set on the name and didn't want to change it but all of the hate finally got to me and I just couldn't take it. I can justify someone bullying an adult, but to talk about an innocent child that wasn't even born yet really put me over the edge. I immediately started looking for new names for our baby boy and a few weeks later found Jaiden and I fell in love! At 30 weeks Jaiden was breech and my doctors started getting worried and said that if he was still breech by 34 weeks we were going to start talking about a possible c-section and other options that I had. 34 weeks came and went and he was still breech, so at my appointment my doctor brought up trying an external cephalic aversion. I had done a bit of research and knew that this had many risks that went along with it that could harm the baby so I told him I was going to think about it and get back to him the next day. My mom picked me up from  my appointment and I started balling my eyes out, I was so scared! We went home and talked about it, all of the risks as well as the pros and cons. My mom was a nurse on the Labor and Delivery floor of the hospital I was going to give birth at, and she assured me that all of the nurses and doctors there are highly professional and would be able to execute this without any problems, but IF any were to occur they would be able to handle it. Hesitantly, I called my doctor and told him I would do it and he set up a date for when I was 36 weeks pregnant. The day came for my aversion and I was still so afraid, Kitt had to work so my mom went with me and stayed with me the entire time. When I went in they talked to me about what was going to happen and gave me an ultrasound to figure out how he was sitting and what techniques they were going to use. They gave me this medicine through an IV that makes your uterus soften so it is easier to move the baby around. This medicine caused my heart to race so unbelievably fast, it was scary but I knew it was going to help. While the procedure was going on there were 3 nurses and 2 doctors in the room with me making sure everything was going smoothly. What they do during an external aversion the doctor literally turns the baby from the outside, he grabbed my stomach where Jaiden's head and bum were and turned it. A lot of people say it isn't painful, but oh my goodness it was SO painful for me. I was crying the entire time, not just from the uncomfortableness of the procedure but I was still so scared. It took probably 5-6 tries and a half an hr and finally he turned! They did another ultrasound to make sure he was sitting in an ok position and the umbilical cord was not wrapped around him or anything. I had to stay for another hour so they could monitor myself an the babies heart beat to make sure he wasn't put in any stress. A week or two went by and in the middle of the night I stood up and this liquid dripped down the sides of the legs, I was sure my water had broke so I called my mom, she was working, and she said even though I wasn't having contracts to go in. I woke my dad up and he brought me to the hospital and turns out it was just pee.. EMBARRASSING! Fast forward to February 2011, my sister and her kids came to visit! On February 26 we went to the zoo and all day my panties kept getting wet(TMI? sorry!) and I thought it was just pee because I wasn't having any contractions except the occasional braxton hicks, but I wasn't worried because I had experienced those nearly my entire pregnancy. On February 28, my due date!, I had an ultrasound. During the ultrasound the tech had told me that my fluids were extremely low and she was sending me up to L&D to be induced. I was so excited to be welcoming my little boy into this world but I was also so scared because I just wasn't prepared and I didn't know if any complications were going to come from having low fluids.I got induced at 4:00 pm that day. My mom was working but she was able to sit with me in my room, which I was so thankful for! My water broke completely later that night and shortly after, my contractions started. Before I went in I had told myself and Kitt that I did not want an epidural at all, no matter how much the pain was, I didn't want one. The nurse that I had for the night came in and talked to me about getting an epidural, and even though I had planned to refused I ended up doing it. I was so scared that with every contraction not only did my heart rate raise, but so did Jaiden's and she said that if it kept happening it might put Jaiden under stress. It allowed me to completely relax and sleep most of the night. 11AM the next day I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push! 1 hr of pushing went by and still no sign of Jaiden.. 2hrs of pushing and still no Jaiden, by this point the doctors figured out that he was stuck on my pelvic bone, so she took out a ventouse, also commonly referred to as a vacuum. My doctor told me she would not let me push for more than 4 hours, and if I did they were going to send me for an emergency c-section. I was so terrified of the thought of having a c-section so I tried so hard to get him out. It took 3 more hours of pushing and pulling with the vacuum until my beautiful son entered this world at 4:15 PM, sunny side up. Sunny side up is a term they use when the baby is born facing the belly instead of downwards towards the spine, which is why he got stuck on my pelvic bone. I am so grateful she let me keep pushing past the 4 hour mark. He was born at a whooping 8 lbs 12 oz & 22in long, he was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid my eyes on and in that moment my entire life changed forever.
I hope you enjoyed my pregnancy story! If you did please leave a comment below giving me your feedback and if you haven't already, go check out part 1 that I posted last night. I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Quote of the day; Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover you who are.


  1. Maddi! tou have had such an amazing and beautiful life. Even though it was a tough one , you never gave up. All the bullying you spoke about made me sick! But you know how it is in that small town. I always thought you were the sweetest girl ever ! Had no reason to hate you, but I guess thats because I think differently then the average catty highschooler! Ive never read a blog before but definitely will be reading yours! My heart goes out to you and your new family!

  2. Awe so inspiring! Im going to read every single blog you post. I love you!

  3. I don't have you on Facebook or anything, but honestly I think you're really inspiring. I hope you know that there are tons of people that do look up to you like I do, and I would say something on Facebook but were not friends and I'm super shy. You're an amazing mom, and you and Kit are adorable. Keep doing what you're doing, you're an inspiration for many

    1. Thank you so much! Don't be shy, add me on Facebook!

  4. I still to this day want to meet that beautiful baby boy!

  5. Maddi this is just amazing! It's crazy to think about all the details in your life! I hate to say it this way, but the only thing I know about your life is what I see on facebook....And this just opened up my eyes to realize that everyone is having issues in their lives. It's awesome and inspiring to read about yours! You're a great mom, and wife. You and Kitt deserve each other. You're a beautiful woman and you're only going to get better at it. I'm sorry about all the bullying you went through, and I wish I would have noticed it and been there for you. To future friends!~

    1. Thank you a bunch Jaimie! Your comment on here and message on facebook made my night! ;To future friends!
