Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I am proud.

This is my son, Jaiden, just a few days after he was born. Cute, right? 
March 1,2011 was the day I set a goal to one day prove to others that I wasn't just another teen mom, I wasn't going to be just another statistic, I wasn't going to be a bad mom, and I surely wasn't going to let others or my son look down on me. Yes, I may have had some downs along the way where I wasn't the best mom and didn't put Jaiden first, but if I'm honest those days were numbered. If there is one thing in this world that I am 100% completely positive on, it is my ability to be an amazing mom. Many people are afraid to say the things they like about themselves whether it be their looks, their personality, or things they are good at because people see it as bragging or being conceited but I say to heck with what others think. If you think you are beautiful, tell the world! If you think you have a sexy body, tell the world! If you think you have an amazing personality, tell the world! I think that I am an exceptional mom and I'm not afraid to make sure everyone knows that!!
There have been many moments as my son grows up that have made me tear up and be SO proud of him and myself, but the other day has definitely been one of the greatest moments in my few years of parenting. 

<-- This is me, my husband, and my son going to a Halloween party in our costumes. I was Wonder Woman and Chris and Jaiden were Super Man.

And this is my husband and my son dressed in their costumes going grocery shopping. I was also in my Wonder Woman costume. -->

After our Halloween party Jaiden was so happy that he, mommy, and daddy were superheros. He kept calling us a superhero family and wanted to wear his costume all the time. A few days after the party we were getting ready to go grocery shopping and he would not stop asking if we could wear our costumes and be superheros, so we said yes. We geared up and walked out the door to go grocery shopping in our costumes. I wasn't sure what people were going to think or how they would react. I thought for sure we would be pointed at and laughed at, people would whisper and talk about us, and quiet frankly I didn't care what people did because I knew my little guy was so happy. The reaction we got was far from what I was expecting. As we were walking through the grocery store Jaiden had this huge grin on his face and said hi to everyone who walked past and made sure to tell them we were a superhero family. He was SO happy and even if you were blind, you'd be able to see it. The tone in his voice when he spoke to every stranger that passed us was something that every parent dreams of hearing and seeing. He is happy pretty much all of the time and is always giggling and playing when we are at home, but this time when we were out he was exceptionally happy. Instead of hearing "wow what weirdos" or "haha look at them" like I had expected, I heard children tell their parents "why aren't you that cool?", "look superheros!", and "I want to do that when I'm older". I had many adults walk up to me and ask me why we were dressed up and when I told them just because my son wanted us to, their reaction was priceless. I had complete strangers tell me that Jaiden was lucky to have us as parents because we weren't embarrassed to go out in public like that just for him, and many said I was a good mom. People who have NO idea who I am could see just how much I love him, and THAT makes me proud. I had people tell me that whether we knew it or not going out in public dressed like that and not caring what people thought was teaching him a valuable lesson and we should be proud parents. I am more than happy to say that Kitt and I are so very proud of not only Jaiden, but also of ourselves. Getting pregnant at 15 and having a baby at 16 was scary but I always knew I would be a good mom, but I really surprise myself sometimes at how good of a mom I really am. That may sound shallow and I may sound full of myself, but I take great pride in knowing that I am a good mom. I may dislike a lot about myself and how I look but honestly to me the only thing in life that matters to me is raising my son to be a respectful, polite, and well rounded gentleman and I am on the right path to achieving that.
Side Note; Both of my parents were in the Army so growing up they were very strict on my sisters and I on how we treat others, especially our elders. I was taught at a very young age to use my manners, shake hands when meeting people, and to say ma'am and sir when speaking to people. Growing up people were always shocked when I would shake their hands and call them ma'am and sir, and a lot of times they would say that I was too young to be calling them ma'am and sir. It's sad that many people do not practice these things anymore and it's even more sad when people are shocked when they are respected like that.
Jaiden is only two but we are already teaching him his manners, to shake hands when he meets people, and to call them ma'am and sir. My son will be raised to be polite and respectful to others even if it is dying down and not many kids to it anymore. I may be young but that will not stop me from raising an amazing son, and any future children that Kitt and I have. Anyways, back to grocery shopping..Why was this day such an amazing day for me? Because I believe I have finally showed to the world that I am not just a teen mom, I'm not a bad mom, and most importantly I am not just another statistic. I have reached and accomplished a major goal that I set for myself and I am proud! I am proud to be young, I am proud to be a mom, I am proud to be married to my sons father, but I'm even more proud to be able to prove to everyone who ever doubted me that I am raising one hell of a child who is nothing short of amazing. Anyone who told me to get an abortion, I was ruining my life, I would be a bad mom, my child would resent me because I can't give him what he needs, I would just be another girl who gives young moms a bad name, PLEASE take a look at me now. I am PROUD I didn't get an abortion, I am PROUD of my life, I am PROUD that I am a good mom, I am PROUD that Jaiden loves me more than anyone will ever know, and I am PROUD that I am one of the few young moms that do not contribute to giving teen moms a bad reputation.
To everyone out there, don't be afraid to voice what you are proud of or what you like about yourself. Don't be afraid to look into a mirror and think "I am gorgeous" or to look at yourself and think "I am a good person". You should love who you are and you deserve be able to show everyone that and not have to worry about what others think. Don't be afraid to tell someone that you are proud of them or that they are beautiful, you never know what that could do for someone! To everyone reading this, regardless of who you are, you CAN accomplish whatever goals and dreams you have for yourself all you have to do is BELIEVE in yourself! No dream or goal is ever to big! YOU CAN DO IT! Whether you have accomplished a goal or haven't yet but have set one for yourself, I am PROUD of YOU! Being able to say you have a goal is better than not having one at all. I hope this has helped you out in some way. Please let me know in the comments below something about yourself that you are proud of, something about yourself that you like, or a goal that you have set for yourself or all three! Also, please leave any feedback that you may have! Thank you for reading this and remember, you are beautiful inside and out and you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to!
Quote of the day; Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle. -Christian D. Larson


  1. Very strong worded. I ove you so mich. And i am aswell proud of you and our son.

  2. I love you guys! BIG FISH !!!! :)
